Web Dewey, also known as Online DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification), is a digital platform that brings the widely renowned Dewey Decimal Classification system to the online realm. Developed by Melvil Dewey in the late 19th century, the Dewey Decimal Classification is a hierarchical library classification scheme used worldwide to organize and arrange library materials. Web Dewey provides an electronic version of the classification system, offering librarians and users an accessible and interactive tool for classifying and locating resources. With its user-friendly interface, search capabilities, regular updates, and integration with library management systems, Web Dewey simplifies the classification process. He enhances resource discovery, enabling efficient organization and retrieval of library information. Whether used by librarians cataloging new materials or by users seeking specific subjects, Web Dewey empowers individuals to navigate and benefit from the comprehensive knowledge structure of the Dewey Decimal Classification system in the digital age.
1.1 Web Dewey:
Web Dewey, also known as Online DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification), is an electronic version of the widely recognized Dewey Decimal Classification system. Created by Melvil Dewey in the late 19th century, the Dewey Decimal Classification is a hierarchical system that categorizes and organizes library materials based on subject areas. Web Dewey brings this classification system into the digital realm, offering a web-based platform that allows librarians, researchers, and users to access and utilize the Dewey Decimal Classification system online. It provides a range of features and functionalities, including search capabilities, browsing options, and regular updates to reflect changes in knowledge domains. Web Dewey streamlines the classification process, enabling efficient resource discovery and organization in libraries, making it an invaluable tool for information professionals and library users alike.
The key features of Web Dewey include:
- An easy-to-use, browser-based interface allows you to efficiently search the DDC (and related terminology) and navigate intuitively.
- Thousands of Relative Index terms and built numbers are unavailable in the print DDC.
- Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) that have been intellectually mapped to Dewey headings by DDC editors.
- Selected LCSH mappings from the new OCLC Forest Press publication, People, Places & Things.
LCSH that have been statistically mapped to Dewey numbers from records in the World Cat (the OCLC Online Union Catalog).
- Links from mapped LCSH to the LCSH authority records.
- Quarterly updates incorporate the latest changes to the Classification and new LCSH mappings, index terms, and built numbers.
- An annotation capability, which allows you to add your own notes into Web Dewey to reflect local classification practices.
The Web Dewey database includes the most current version of the DDC (DDC 23 and all updates since its publication in 2003), plus supplemental data. It is updated quarterly and mainly contains records for Dewey entry numbers from the schedules and tables, records for entries in the DDC manual, the DDC Relative Index, and Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) associated with Dewey class numbers.
The Web Dewey is available through the Dewey Services option of the OCLC connection service. There are two basic options: the user can search or browse for a subject or class number or can move to the Dewey schedule or tables from the search of the browse screen and follow the hierarchy of the classes.
- KRISHAN KUMAR. Theory of classification. 1993. Vikas Publishing; New Delhi. p1.
- SHARMA (C D). Use of libraries: A guide to better use of libraries and their resources. 1978. Metropolitan Book; New Delhi. p-120.
- SHARMA (C D). Op. cit., p 121.
- KRISHAN KUMAR. Op. cit., p 4.
- INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY (IGNOU). Unit 2: Needand purpose of library classification. IGNOU; New Delhi. p 26.
- DUTTA (Dwijendranath). Library classification: Theory and practice. 1962. The Western Book Depot; Nagpur. p 48.
- RAJU (Addepali Appala Narasimha). Dewey decimal classification (DDC 20): Theory and practice: A practical and self instructional manual. 1995. T.R. Publications; Madras. p 4.
- CHOWDHURY (G G). Introduction to modern information retrieval. Ed. 3. 2004. Facet Publishing; London. p 89.
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